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作者:佚名 来源:网友分享 发布日期:2024-5-11 18:28:43

The concept of “八门神器” or the “Eight Immortal Weapons” holds a special place in Chinese mythology and folklore. These legendary weapons are not only iconic within Chinese culture but have also captured the fascination of people worldwide. In this article, we will explore the essence and significance of the Eight Immortal Weapons, and delve into how they are referred to in English.

The Eight Immortal Weapons are closely associated with the Eight Immortals, a group of legendary figures in Chinese mythology who possess extraordinary powers and wisdom. Each Immortal has a unique weapon that represents their individuality and strengths. The weapons are considered divine and are imbued with magical properties that aid the Eight Immortals in their adventures and quests.

The Naming of the Weapons

The names of the Eight Immortal Weapons are steeped in symbolism and tradition. They are as follows:

  1. Tieguai Li’s Iron Crutch – 铁拐李的铁拐
  2. Han Xiangzi’s Flute – 韩湘子的韩琴
  3. Zhang Guolao’s Fish Drum – 张果老的鱼鼓
  4. Lü Dongbin’s Sword – 吕洞宾的吕剑
  5. Lan Caihe’s Flower Basket – 蓝采和的蓝筐
  6. He Xiangu’s Lotus Flower – 何仙姑的莲花
  7. Cao Guojiu’s Castanets – 曹国舅的拨浪鼓
  8. Li Tieguai’s Gourd – 李铁拐的葫芦

Each weapon has its own significance and plays a crucial role in the adventures and stories of the Eight Immortals.

Symbolism and Significance

The Eight Immortal Weapons symbolize various aspects of Chinese culture and philosophy. For example, the Iron Crutch represents strength and resilience, while the Flute embodies the power of music and harmony. The Fish Drum is associated with transformation and adaptability, and the Sword signifies bravery and justice. The Flower Basket symbolizes simplicity and humility, and the Lotus Flower represents purity and enlightenment. The Castanets are a symbol of joy and celebration, and the Gourd is linked to healing and longevity.

In Popular Culture

The Eight Immortal Weapons have not only been a part of ancient folklore but have also found their way into modern popular culture. They have been featured in various forms of media, including movies, television shows, and video games. These representations often showcase the magical properties and unique abilities of these legendary weapons, captivating audiences around the world.

English Translation

When translating the term “八门神器” or “Eight Immortal Weapons” into English, it is typically referred to as “The Eight Immortal Treasures” or simply “The Eight Immortals’ Weapons.” This translation preserves the essence and cultural significance of these legendary items while making them accessible to English-speaking audiences.


The Eight Immortal Weapons, or “八门神器,” are not just objects of myth and legend; they are symbols of Chinese culture, philosophy, and the enduring power of storytelling. These divine weapons continue to inspire and captivate people worldwide, reminding us of the rich tapestry of Chinese folklore and the timeless allure of the Eight Immortals.


