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作者:佚名 来源:网友分享 发布日期:2024-5-10 04:01:47

The Eight Immortal Weapons, known as “八门神器” in Chinese, are legendary artifacts deeply rooted in Chinese mythology and folklore. These mystical weapons have captivated the imaginations of people for centuries, representing both power and wisdom. In this article, we will delve into the significance and lore of these revered items.

The Eight Immortal Weapons are associated with the Eight Immortals, a group of legendary beings in Chinese mythology. These immortals possess unique powers and are known for their wisdom, benevolence, and sometimes playful nature. Each immortal is typically depicted carrying one of these powerful artifacts, which are said to grant them extraordinary abilities.

The origins of the Eight Immortal Weapons vary, but they are often connected to ancient tales and legends. For example, the legendary flute known as the “Bamboo Clapper” is said to have belonged to Zhongli Quan, one of the Eight Immortals. It is said that the music played from this flute can heal illnesses and even bring the dead back to life.

The Eight Immortal Weapons

Let’s explore each of the Eight Immortal Weapons and their respective immortals:

1. The Peach of Immortality (蟠桃)

Carried by Xiwangmu, the Queen Mother of the West, the Peach of Immortality is a symbol of everlasting life. Eating these magical peaches grants immortality, and they are often featured in stories of divine banquets.

2. The Feathered Fan (羽扇)

Lü Dongbin, one of the most famous of the Eight Immortals, wields the Feathered Fan. This fan can control the wind and is a symbol of his mastery over the air. It is also used to drive away evil spirits and bring good fortune.

3. The Double-Edged Sword (铁剑)

Zhang Guolao carries the Double-Edged Sword, which can cut through any substance with ease. He is known for his remarkable swordsmanship and his ability to summon rain by hanging his sword on a willow tree.

4. The Gourd of Oblivion (葫芦)

Carried by Li Tieguai, the Gourd of Oblivion is a miraculous container that holds medicinal elixirs and can even restore the dead to life. Despite its humble appearance, it possesses incredible healing properties.

5. The Bamboo Clapper (竹板)

Zhongli Quan’s Bamboo Clapper is a musical instrument that can cure diseases and revive the deceased. It is said that the melodies played on this instrument have the power to purify the soul.

6. The Lotus Blossom (莲花)

Lan Caihe, often depicted as a beggar, carries the Lotus Blossom. This unique weapon is known for its ability to transform into various objects and is associated with the themes of transformation and enlightenment.

7. The Jade Tablet (玉版)

He Xian’gu possesses the Jade Tablet, which has the power to grant wisdom and knowledge. This artifact symbolizes her role as the patroness of scholars and those seeking enlightenment.

8. The Magic Staff (铁拐李)

Lü Dongbin, in addition to the Feathered Fan, also carries the Magic Staff. This staff can change size at will and is a powerful tool for warding off evil spirits and demons.

Legacy and Symbolism

The Eight Immortal Weapons are not only fascinating elements of Chinese mythology but also hold deep cultural significance. They represent themes of longevity, wisdom, benevolence, and the eternal quest for enlightenment. These weapons continue to inspire art, literature, and popular culture, reminding us of the enduring allure of ancient legends.


The Eight Immortal Weapons, or “八门神器,” are a cherished part of Chinese folklore, embodying the rich tapestry of mythology, culture, and tradition. Each of these mystical artifacts carries its own unique power and symbolism, and they remain an enduring source of inspiration and fascination for people around the world.


