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作者:佚名 来源:网友分享 发布日期:2024-5-05 15:18:21

The Eight Immortal Treasures, also known as the “八门神器” in Chinese, are a legendary set of mystical artifacts with origins deeply rooted in Chinese mythology and culture. These extraordinary items hold immense power and significance, each representing a unique aspect of ancient wisdom and martial arts prowess. In this article, we will explore the English names and meanings of these Eight Immortal Treasures, shedding light on their rich cultural heritage and enduring legacy.

The first of the Eight Immortal Treasures is the Bagua Mirror, also known as “八卦镜” in Chinese. This circular mirror is adorned with the Bagua symbol, a fundamental concept in Taoist philosophy. The Bagua Mirror is believed to have protective qualities, capable of deflecting negative energy and evil spirits. Its English name, “Bagua Mirror,” reflects its connection to the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui, where it is often used to harmonize and balance the energy in a living space.

The Dragon Sword

The Dragon Sword, or “龙泉剑” in Chinese, is the second of the Eight Immortal Treasures. This legendary blade is known for its exceptional craftsmanship and sharpness. It symbolizes courage, honor, and martial prowess. The English name, “Dragon Sword,” encapsulates the awe-inspiring power and mythical qualities associated with this remarkable weapon, often wielded by legendary heroes in Chinese folklore.

The Jade Ruler

The third treasure in the set is the Jade Ruler, referred to as “玉尺” in Chinese. This ruler is not your ordinary measuring tool; it is made of precious jade and holds a special place in Chinese culture. The English name, “Jade Ruler,” underscores the ruler’s significance in matters of justice and fairness, as it is often associated with the ancient Chinese concept of “Yubu,” representing the impartial measurement of right and wrong.

The Peach of Immortality

The Peach of Immortality, known as “仙桃” in Chinese, is the fourth of the Eight Immortal Treasures. This mystical fruit is said to grant eternal life to those who consume it. Its English name, “Peach of Immortality,” highlights its association with immortality and the allure of eternal youth, making it a symbol of hope and longevity in Chinese mythology.

The Bamboo Cane

The Bamboo Cane, or “竹杖” in Chinese, is the fifth treasure in the set. This simple yet versatile tool represents flexibility, adaptability, and resilience. The English name, “Bamboo Cane,” conveys the strength and grace of bamboo, a plant that can bend without breaking. In Chinese martial arts, the Bamboo Cane is often used as a weapon, showcasing its dual nature as both a symbol of peace and a means of self-defense.

The Double-Headed Serpent

The Double-Headed Serpent, also known as “双头蛇” in Chinese, is the sixth treasure. This serpent figurine is crafted with precision and embodies duality and balance. The English name, “Double-Headed Serpent,” emphasizes the snake’s symbolic significance in Chinese culture, where it represents both danger and protection. The serpent’s dual heads are seen as a reminder of the need to balance opposing forces in life.

The Feathered Fan

The Feathered Fan, or “羽扇” in Chinese, is the seventh of the Eight Immortal Treasures. This ornate fan is adorned with feathers and represents elegance, grace, and refinement. The English name, “Feathered Fan,” captures the fan’s aesthetic beauty and its role as a symbol of status and sophistication in ancient Chinese society.

The Gourd of Whimsy

The eighth and final treasure in the set is the Gourd of Whimsy, known as “瓢虫” in Chinese. This quirky gourd embodies the spirit of playfulness and unpredictability. The English name, “Gourd of Whimsy,” highlights the gourd’s association with fun and spontaneity, making it a symbol of joy and lightheartedness in Chinese folklore.


The Eight Immortal Treasures, or “八门神器,” are a captivating collection of mystical artifacts that offer a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Chinese culture and mythology. Each treasure, with its unique English name and symbolism, serves as a testament to the enduring legacy of ancient wisdom, martial arts, and the quest for balance and harmony in life. These treasures continue to inspire and intrigue people around the world, bridging the gap between the past and the present.


